'Golden Australian Bushland' | Limited Editions


20 limited editions

Being in nature for me is such a good thing and makes you feel good. Especially when there isn't anyone else around. I grew up in the bush too so that's nice but for everyone I think being in the bush, around water and nice natural places is good for your health. I went to the same spot a few times because I wasn't completely happy with the first shots I got, it topped it off that on the second attempt the Kookaburras landed in the tree which was a nice surprise.


As the current climate continues, if you find yourself heading outside your doorstep to be a part of the Australian coastal bushland, it is a treasured experience. In a time of attaining the feeling of travel with no actual travelling, it certainly does get you out of your home and make you feel as though you've found an escape on your doorstep. It's truly amazing how something as basic as going on a bushwalk can transport you with its magnificent water views. 



Photography has given me a deeper connection and respect for the land I call home. Merely a visitor capturing the Australian native bushland of Dobroyd Head, Balgowlah Heights and features a glimpse of North Harbour facing Manly Wharf. This piece of Australian art is special to me. It evokes deep-rooted history and the present time. To get to photograph the 'Gum Tree' is an honour.

 Hanging the 'Gum Tree' is arguably the most iconic piece of Australian bushland in your home. These limited editions with only 20 available of any size and are all signed and numbered. Designed to make any modern Australian space feel like home. Each photograph hanging in my gallery is museum grade and are fine art prints all made in Australia.

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