Captivating Queenscliff

The intrigue of Queenscliff

Camera in hand, on a mission, to get ‘the shot’ of Queenscliff headland. It took many a wet, cold and early start. Finally, one fine and golden morning it all came together. Often the journey of a photographer is only seen in the final product. A lot of the elements have to fall together, weather and timing being a small part of it. 

Engrossed in the privilege of viewing Australian nature through the lens, you can’t help but succumb to its mercy. There is no planning for the elements of the ocean’s wildlife, the impact of a pod of dolphins swimming happily through the water at Queenscliff is soul pleasing, the absolute ultimate capture.

The intrigue of Queenscliff captivates me with its charm. From its premium lifestyle to its outstanding views. The sweeping beachside landscapes create a hidden opportunity full of surprise and incredible details that pass you by in an instant.

Queenscliff shines brightly on the Northern Beaches with its deep emerald ocean colour and luxury views. The Northern Headland is located on Manly Beach a stone throw away from Freshwater.

Hanging Queenscliff on your wall will enhance your décor and lift the room to a place of peace, calm showcasing a timeless piece of art.

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